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Mokucli offers crucial command-line functionalities such as device discovery, downloading bitstreams for specific versions from Liquid Instruments' bitstreams download server, and, significantly, facilitating API streaming capabilities. Its real-time binary-to-text format transformation is essential for enabling this functionality. Table of contents
Moku:Go features 16 bi-directional pins, providing users the flexibility to utilize them either as 16 individual standalone signal pins or to combine them into a single 16 bit bus. This article will explain how to use Digital I/O pins in Multi-instrument Mode on Moku:Go. 1. Standalone digital pins Each of the 16 pins on Moku:Go can be set as a d
What is frequency sweep mode ? The Waveform Generator incorporates various modulation techniques, including Amplitude Modulation (AM), Phase Modulation (PM), and Sweep frequency Modulation. In the plot below, both the phase step (frequency) and the ramped phase are depicted to illustrate the difference in two modes. In a single frequency mode, the p
This note explains how to enhance signal resolution for high-bandwidth frontends in the time domain, viewed from a statistical perspective. The resolution improvement will also be illustrated using a low-pass filter. Can an ADC with a 1 mV resolution distinguish a 1 µV signal? With a single sample, the answer is no—the weak signal’s information is l
The Moku:Pro features four fast analog outputs, each with a 10%-90% rise time of 1.7 ns for a 5 Vpp pulse output. For a visual representation and definition of rise time, please refer to the image provided. Additionally, the fall time for Moku:Pro is also 1.7 ns. Moreover, the upper reference voltage level is 2.4 V, lower reference voltage level is
Ideal Gaussian noise theoretically has an unlimited range, meaning its amplitude can extend to infinity, though the probability of extremely large values is infinitesimally small. However, in practice, generating true Gaussian-distributed noise with electronic noise signal generators is nearly impossible due to the inherent limitations in output ran
The default configuration of a the Moku broadcasts its own WiFi network. The name of this network defaults to the type of Moku and the serial number, for example MokuGo-002718. If you have several Moku devices and aren't sure which to connect to, you can find the serial number on the printed label under your Moku. Figure 1. Connecting to a Moku dev
The Lock-in Amplifier is a widely used instrument for small signal analysis in environments with significant noise. The Lock-in Amplifier offers several output modes, including X/Y and R/θ. However, due to the complex processing chains within the Lock-in Amplifier, there is no direct relationship between the input signal amplitudes and the R output.
For Windows users: Explanations of mokucli download: Mokucli offers a range of functions accessible through the command window. Try executing the following command: mokucli --help The output of this command reveals several options and commands such as stream, list, and download. This Knowledge Base article specifically focuses on providing a det